A Compelling Story by an Author With a Mission!
Posted on | June 13, 2024 | No Comments
Hi my name is Jess Randall, I live in the UK and I am a single mother of two wonderful children. I work full time as an office manager, but hope to give that all up one day to pursue my passion for writing and blogging full-time.
I hope my writing and my blogs move and inspire my readers to reach out and pursue their dreams. Most people get to a certain age and they stop dreaming; they accept their situation as their reality, and think this is how it is always going to be. In turn, their youthful optimism slowly erodes over time due to their negative life experiences.
I am quite an optimistic person; however, I was married to someone who was and still is an alcoholic. He constantly undermined me. His drunken rants were often much worse than his sober behavior and so I was never sure what mood to expect him to be in when he came home. Over the years his behavior started to affect me. I began to lose confidence in my abilities. I was always made to feel like the irrational one, and slowly but surely I stopped smiling as much as I used to. I sometimes felt like running away and eventually even my health began to deteriorate.
One day I told myself enough was enough. The next six months were going to be the most defining period of my life. Either the marriage was going to work or I would call time on it. I tried speaking to my husband but he wouldn’t listen. I even wrote a letter to him explaining my feelings but no matter what I did everything was thrown back in my face. He wasn’t interested and didn’t care.
From that moment on many things I could never have predicted started to occur, each one slowly pushing me in the direction of leaving my marriage. The harsh condemnation I received from my husband was the final straw, so I left never to look back.
There is of course always an “aftermath” to consider whenever a life changing decision is made, and I never expected the course of events to run smoothly, so it has been a rocky road for the last few years but I feel I am now a bit smarter and more committed to self-development then ever before and I now have self-belief whereas before I always doubted myself.
More importantly my children are my inspiration. They too have obviously had to come to terms with our situation, but the bond between us is strong and they know they can always rely on me.
I use my writing to reach out to other people for two reasons:
1) To reassure them that it’s OK to make mistakes. No-one is perfect, and making mistakes is the only way we usually learn a valuable lesson, develop mentally and spiritually.
2) I love to write stories. All sorts of story lines are always popping up in my head, and I love to use my imagination and run away with it; take it to the next level!
So far I have written one book called “Rosie’s Dilemma,” which focuses on many of the issues identified above as the main story line. It focuses on the struggles of a woman coming to terms with a significant change in her life, and how the decisions she makes along the way lead to a few more mistakes. Whether she could have avoided making these mistakes is for you to decide. You may conclude that she needed to make these mistakes in order to realize what her desired vision should be.
I am now working on my second book, which focuses on the lives of a British Asian family in the UK. It’s full of laughter, tears, and nostalgia; so there will definitely be plenty of drama!
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