Creating a Culture of Empowerment & Significance
by Nathan R Mitchell MBA
Nine out of ten businesses fail within a five-year period, and of those that do stick around, very few of them thrive! What I’ve found is this: the ones that not only survive, but also thrive, are committed to empowering members of their team to reach their full potential. At the end of the day, the greatest purpose of leadership is to add value to others. Helping your team members reach their full potential is a great way to do just that.
So, with that in mind, this week, I wanted to give you a few things to think about, specifically, in regards to some of the practical things you can do to develop the leaders around you:
- Believe in them
- Don’t be stingy with your time – people cannot be nurtured from a distance
- Offer encouragement always
- Allow your team members to play to their strengths
- Add significance to the work environment by focusing on the organization’s purpose
- Establish a support system
- Equip them with the tools and resources they need to be successful
The above seven items are by no means an exhaustive list; however, I firmly believe that a leader who focuses on these seven items will not only create a culture that is “hands down” one of the best in their respective industry, but also an environment where team members can learn, grow, reach their full potential, and be engaged during the process.
Nathan is America’s Leading Empowerment Coach™. He is the founder of Clutch Consulting, and a Certified Member of the John Maxwell Team.
Nathan’s purpose in life is to empower other people, and that’s how he helps businesses and leaders grow. He specializes in leadership training, improving communication in the workplace, creating high-performance teams, and matching the right talents and skill-sets to the needs of the job.
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