Business Coaching | Faith, Purpose, and the Reality of Small Business
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Faith, Purpose, and the Reality of Small Business…

Faith, Purpose, and the Reality of Small Business…

By Nathan R Mitchell

In an article on the Christian Post, Leonardo Blair, observes that results from a recent study suggest that American entrepreneurs pray and meditate more frequently than non-entrepreneurs. As a small business owner myself who offers consulting and leadership development services to small businesses, I couldn’t help but reflect on this information. Why is this the case? The road to success in any entrepreneurial venture is long and arduous. And at least for me, this adventure has tested my faith as much as it has strengthened it.

For 12 years my life was pretty simple and “secure.” I had a six-figure job with a Fortune 50 company. I guess you could say I put a lot of my faith in money, and had little need for prayer.

You see, I began my business, Clutch Consulting, over five years ago. A little more than three years ago I was on the verge of going broke. I had blown through my entire IRA, and had about two months worth of expenses remaining when my first major consulting opportunity came along. Fortunately, during that time, I also met and began working with a mentor who helped me discover that my purpose in life is to empower other people. I remember Jim Whitt telling me that the years since he discovered his purpose in 1988, which is to help people reach their full potential, have been the most difficult of his life. But he says they have also been the most gratifying years of his life. And as I continue along this journey myself, I couldn’t agree more.

For 12 years my life was pretty simple and “secure.” I had a six-figure job with a Fortune 50 company. I guess you could say I put a lot of my faith in money, and had little need for prayer. And I was miserable. With the exception of finding the love of my life, Sarah, and having two wonderful children, from a career perspective, I found what I was doing both mundane and unsatisfying. At the end of the day, a burning desire had developed within me to want to learn and do more – to become who God designed me to be. I was really longing to discover my purpose and reach my full potential in life.

Over these past few years, I’ve had a lot of success, and I’ve been fortunate to help a lot of people. I guess you could say, when I’ve needed opportunity God has provided. And I’m so grateful for what I have, and yet I’m so undeserving. You see, I can’t begin to tell you how many times I’ve felt like Peter stepping out of the boat trying to walk on water, and as he begins to sink, Jesus lifts him up, and says “You of little faith, why did you doubt,” (Matthew 14:31 NIV)?

At the end of the day, entrepreneurship and small business is just plain difficult. Just recently, I heard a great quote: “When opportunity knocks, hard work answers the door!” Isn’t that the truth! Perhaps that’s why we pray and meditate more. Being an entrepreneur is often a lonely walk too. And yet it’s a walk we don’t really want to take alone. And it’s not a simple and secure life. In fact, it’s quite complex, full of swings, and full of ups and downs. But I wouldn’t trade it for the world.

My business affords me the opportunity to leverage my strengths and empower others to grow their business and lead to their full potential faster. It helps me fulfill my purpose.

I hope you find this kind of success in 2016 and beyond. So, have faith, pray hard, and “bring it on…”

If there’s anything I can do to help, let me know.

Leading with Purpose - Empowering Talk Radio hosted by business coach and leadership trainer Nathan Mitchell offers business owners, corporate executives, HR Professionals and industry leaders the strategies, implementation and direction they need to get outstanding results while reaching their potential quickly and strategically. Leading with Purpose is powered by Clutch Consulting LLC. More episodes can be found at Toginet Radio a division of Global Broadcasting Networks.

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