Business Coaching | Great Leadership Starts with Self-Leadership
I Help Frustrated Business Owners & Executives Grow Their Business, Empower Their Team Members, & Lead to Their Full Potential!

Great Leadership Starts with Self-Leadership

Great Leadership Starts with Self-Leadership

by Nathan R Mitchell MBA

I love meeting with prospective clients. It excites me knowing that there are leaders out there who care about leading their people more effectively, and developing members of their team. With that being said, many times when I meet with potential clients, they want to know specifically how I can help them do that. In other words, how my services will help them grow and develop their people. The unfortunate thing is, in many cases, the leader, business owner, or executive haven’t considered what they need to do to grow and develop themselves first.

You see, great leadership starts with great self-leadership. And it’s hard to be a great self-leader, and therefore, a leader of others, without a commitment to one’s own personal growth and development. So, with that in mind, what are you currently doing to expand your own skill-set? What book or books are you currently reading? What workshops and seminars have you committed to attending? What mastermind groups have you decided to join?

Herein lies the problem: It’s hard to get your team members to buy into a training and development process if your actions don’t reflect that you personally believe in them as well.

At the end of the day, as a business owner, executive, or leader, you are the role-model of the organization. And if you aren’t, well, you should be.

Until next time, lead with purpose always!

Nathan is America’s Leading Empowerment Coach™. He is the founder of Clutch Consulting, and a Certified Member of the John Maxwell Team.

Nathan’s purpose in life is to empower other people, and that’s how he helps businesses and leaders grow. He specializes in leadership training, improving communication in the workplace, creating high-performance teams, and matching the right talents and skill-sets to the needs of the job.

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2250 E 73rd Street Ste. 650
Tulsa, OK 74136