Business Coaching | The Importance of Connection in Leadership
Your Biggest Potential for ROI Exists in Yourself & Members of Your Team!

The Importance of Connecting in Leadership

Abraham Maslow studied it years and years ago with his Hierarchy of Needs Model. Everyone has basic human needs, but for one reason or another, it’s easy to overlook these basic human needs with members of your team. Many times as leaders we are focused on what needs to get done, our “to-do” lists, and not so much on meeting the needs of team members.

Outside of basic physical needs, and our need for some level of security, probably the most important need we have is the need for connection. In other words, we need a sense of belongingness. All of us have varying levels of these needs; however, lack of fulfillment in any of these areas can result in a significant drop in employee engagement and productivity in your organization.

So, with that in mind, what are some of the things you do to connect with members of your team? What do you do for them that make them feel significant? What do you specifically that makes them understand they are a significant part of your team, and are a valuable asset to the organization?

The need for significance is important. Maslow defined it as our Esteem needs, and our need to Self-Actualize. The end result for employees who feel valued, significant, and connected to you and your organization is simple: improved productivity and loyalty.

Can you live with that?

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