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Persistence Is Fundamental To Small-Business Success

Posted on | December 18, 2023 | 1 Comment

Persistence is Fundamental To Small-Business Success

By Nathan R Mitchell|Clutch Consulting LLC|Small-Business Consultant|Author|Professional Speaker|Tulsa OK

Christmas is fast approaching, complete with gifts, quality time with family, and of course lots of food. For the health-conscious person, it is a true test of will-power. The person who is undaunted by the temptation to eat the last piece of dessert, may hear from a fellow family-member, “my, you have such great will-power!” But for many, the holidays represent a time of excess and weight gain, followed by New Year’s Resolutions only one week later. What is will-power, and what does all of this have to do with small-business success? First of all, will-power is the “ability to control one’s impulses and actions” ( And secondly, will-power, combined with persistence, is a key fundamental to long-term success in small business!

Napoleon Hill, in his classic book, “Think & Grow Rich,” explains that successful people typically have great will-power, and that when they mix will-power with desire and persistence, they are virtually unstoppable. The majority of people, at the first sign of obstacles and adversity, are quick to make excuses, point fingers, and ultimately, give up! It is only the select few that are persistent enough to push through the difficult times and ultimately reach their goal or destination. Let’s face it, some form of failure and adversity is practically a “rite of passage,” or a prerequisite to success. And success is not achieved through the occasional effort to obtain results. It is only through persistent and consistent action that obstacles can be overcome and success ultimately achieved.

The good news is, if you are not as persistent as you feel you need to be at the present time, it can be learned! Mr Hill states that persistence is really a state-of-mind, and in his book, outlines eight factors that any person with enough desire can use to cultivate it. They are:

1. Definiteness of Purpose-What is your motive, and what is your desired outcome? Knowing your purpose, and what it is you specifically want, is the first step in developing persistence.

2. Desire-If your desire to achieve your purpose is intense enough, persistence comes naturally.

3. Self-Reliance-In order to be successful, you must believe in your own ability to follow-through and accomplish your goal.

4. Definiteness of Plans-a strategic game plan encourages persistence.

5. Accurate Knowledge-It is essential that you know that your plans are sound, and that they will likely lead you to your desired destination. Guessing is not effective is small-business.

6. Cooperation-Realize that in small-business you cannot do it alone. It will require effective networking, and the building of sustainable, mutually beneficial relationships.

7. Will-power-In order to be successful, you must be able to develop the habit of centering your thoughts around the attainment of your goal. This is accomplished through the design and development of a strategic game plan, and then following through on that plan through consistent action that ultimately leads to persistence.

8. Habit-Most people are paralyzed by fear. Hill states that it is the “worst of all enemies,” but that it can be defeated through the forced repetition of courageous acts.

Keep Winning!

Source: Hill, Napoleon, Think & Grow Rich, Ballantine Books, Random House Publishing, New York, 1960


One Response to “ Persistence Is Fundamental To Small-Business Success ”

  1. Tanisha Ajokatcher
    July 21st, 2012 @ 1:14 am

    just finished reading 3 feet from gold and absolutely love what i read i will succeed in anything I do..I am a success and will achieve..thanks

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