Team Communication Coaching & Training | Business Coaching & Leadership Development - Tulsa OK
Leadership Coaching | Communication Training | Talent Management
CALL NOW: 918.851.7246

Communication Training

“If you want to get in the fame and WIN you can benefit from a Nathan Mitchell training. His insight, passion, and sincerity of purpose is rare in today’s business world. If you or your team is looking to go to the next level, you need to call this guy!” - Clay Clark, US SBA Entrepreneur of the Year, and US Chamber National Blue Ribbon Quality Aware Winner

communication coachingEffective communication begins with an increase in self-awareness. Our communication coaching process will reshape how you view yourself, as well as how you view others.

When you make a commitment to improving your ability to communicate, and/or the ability of your team to communicate more effectively with one another, you will enable yourself and your organization to operate more efficiently and effectively.

Superior performance begins with an increase in self-awareness!

After completing online assessments, you and your team will receive a detailed report on each person’s behavioral style and the motivators that drive them to action.

This will guide you to:

  1. Identify and appreciate your own behavioral and communication style
  2. Identify and appreciate the behavioral and communication style of others
  3. Learn how to adapt your own behaviors and communication style to improve your interactions with others, and get the results you’re looking for

It’s important to point out that Behavioral characteristics are divided into four distinct quadrants. These four quadrants make up the universal DISC language. They are:

Dominance – How we respond to problems and challenges

Influence – How we influence people and contacts

Steadiness – How we respond to the pace and consistency of our environment

Compliance – How we respond to procedures and compliance

Benefits of Our Communication Coaching Process Include…

  1. Gaining commitment and cooperation
  2. Building effective teams
  3. Resolving and preventing conflict
  4. Gaining endorsement
For details on our coaching packages, contact us today at 918-851-7246

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Always try to provide positive reinforcement as soon as possible when a team member does a great job! #LeadershipTips

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