Talent Management | Business Coaching & Leadership Development - Tulsa OK
Leadership Coaching | Communication Training | Talent Management
CALL NOW: 918.851.7246

Talent Management

In the world of technology, many things we purchase come with User Manuals; however, the people we hire do not. Whether you are a business owner, manager, or leader, managing talent is more than likely required of you in your job at some level. And team member talent is a combination of many things, including behavior.

Successful talent management begins with the knowledge of each person’s unique behaviors on your team!

My talent management coaching process guides and directs the leader and team member both in effectively leveraging their behavioral characteristics for success on the job. This unique approach can help you and your organization hire the right personnel, get new hires off to a quick start, empower existing members of your team, and improve communication and workplace relationships. At the end of the day, my coaching process can create increases in employee engagement, increased productivity, personal development action plans, and much more.

Each team member I work with receives a personalized report that delivers unique information regarding their behavior, including:

  • General Behavioral Characteristics - The team member’s preferred works style based upon their natural behavior
  • Value to the Organization - The team member’s contributing behaviors
  • Checklists for Improving Communication - How others in your organization can more effectively communicate with the individual
  • Don’ts on Communication - What others should avoid when communicating with the individual
  • Communication Tips - How your team member can adept their own communication style to the style of others
  • Their Ideal Work Environment - The team member’s preferred work atmosphere
  • Self-Perceptions and Perceptions of Others - How the individual views his/her self and how others view the individual
  • Keys to Motivating - Your team member’s wants ultimately provide the means for their motivation in the workplace
  • Keys to Leading and Managing - The team member’s wants provide the areas managers must address
  • Areas for Improvement - Possible limitations help you and your organization identify areas for improvement
  • Customized Action Plan - The team member creates a customized action plan based upon their results, discussion, and coaching
  • And more…
For details on our coaching packages, contact us today at 918-851-7246

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Always try to provide positive reinforcement as soon as possible when a team member does a great job! #LeadershipTips pic.twitter.com/dtkjhWBwq8

About 10 hours ago from Clutch Consulting's Twitter via Meet Edgar


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Broken Arrow OK 74013