Upcoming Events
February 2011: Social Media Marketing & SEO Workshop, Springfield, MO
This coming February, Nathan Mitchell and Clutch Consulting, is partnering with Packy Savvenas of Photography and Web Designz of Springfield, MO. Packy is a Springfield native, as well as a web design & branding expert. The two of them will be teaming up to offer affordable training for Entrepreneurs and Small-Business Owners on how they can efficiently and cost-effectively utilize Social Media Marketing & Search Engine Optimization for their growing business.
Social Media Marketing is a huge trend, and small businesses are “behind the times” if they are not using it effectively in their overall marketing strategy.
Attendees will also receive training on the important topic of SEO (Search Engine Optimization), and how it can be utilized to help obtain more clients for your growing business through increased online visibility. SEO is the process of improving a websites ranking in search engines like Google and Yahoo! via non-paid advertising and promotion. In general, the more often a site appears in a search results list, the more visitors it will potentially receive. This is what ultimately gives your company its online web-presence.
We look forward to seeing you there!
**More information, including specific date, time, and location will be made available in the coming months. Online, Pre-Paid Registration is now available! The cost for this workshop is $99.00**
To register for this upcoming workshop, CLICK HERE NOW, to visit our online secure payment and registration form. You may also register without payment; however, payment must be made in full no later than January 31st, 2011. If you would like to register without payment at this time, or you simply want more information on this and future workshops, please use our online contact form. Please include your Full Name, Email Address, and type “Social Media & SEO Workshop” in the subject line. In the ‘Message’ area, please include your physical address, and a primary contact number.